Friday, July 27, 2018

Cybersecurity programs at Capitol ranked best, most affordable - Capitol Technology University (Since 1927 Located Near Washington D.C.)

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Looking for an online cybersecurity program that delivers the best mix of quality and affordability? A new report sets out to identify the top-value programs in a crowded field.
Best on line masters
The results? Capitol Technology University stands out from the pack.

The report, produced by, not only ranks Capitol’s online master’s program in cybersecurity as the best in the nation, but also deems it the most affordable.

The online doctoral program at Capitol, meanwhile, also ranks high -- #2 nationwide, behind Dakota State.

In addition, Capitol is designated one of the five best cybersecurity education providers in Maryland.
“These awards confirm that a Capitol education prepares our graduates to defend the nation’s critical infrastructure, while also remaining affordable,” said Dr. William Butler, chair of cybersecurity at the Maryland-based university.

“Capitol differentiates itself by offering very practical, hands-on programs that prepare our graduates for technical and leadership positions within the US Government and the private sector,” Butler said. “Capitol has been designated several times by DHS/NSA as a Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CDE)."

Dr. Nayef Abu-Ageel, dean of academics, said the rankings show that Capitol, which was one of the first colleges in the world to offer degree programs in cybersecurity, continues to set the bar high.
"Here at Capitol, we have one of the most innovative cybersecurity programs in the nation. I'm proud of the progress that we have made in this field under the leadership of Dr. Butler and his team," he said.

The rankings are based on data from the US Department of Education as well as the schools surveyed. says its report is designed specifically with working, non-traditional, and adult learners in mind, with the aim of identifying programs that are most likely to meet their needs.

Affordability rankings were based on in-state and out-of-state tuition as well as the percentage of students receiving financial aid. The best programs were selected based on academic quality, affordability, return on investment, and student satisfaction.

“Our ranking methodology distinguishes itself from more generalized rankings by focusing on a specific set of metrics that measure the success of online cybersecurity degrees more accurately,” said Josh R Jackson, contributing writer for the site.

“Our metrics have been honed from years of experience in higher education journalism and research, and they seek to provide a balance between the traditional academic prestige of an institution with a cyber security program, and other concerns that particularly non-traditional or working students may express. Namely, that affordability and support in online learning environments is crucial for successful outcomes among non-traditional, working, and adult students,” he said.

Capitol, based in Laurel, MD, offers cybersecurity programs at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels. The master’s program is 100% online, while the doctoral program features online courses plus an annual residency. Interested in learning more? Contact for more information.

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