Friday, April 13, 2018

Learn blockchain fundamentals at Capitol Cyber Saturday on April 14 - Capitol Technology University (Since 1927 Located Near Washington D.C.)

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Interest in blockchain has escalated -- and the immediate reason isn't hard to pinpoint. Bitcoin and other blockchain-based cryptocurrencies have been in the news ever since a dramatic price spike (and subsequent decline) late last year. This month, Bitcoin surged again, gaining $1,000 in value within one hour.

Blockchain uses distributed ledger technology in order to validate transactions without the need for a trusted third party, such as a payment processor.

But blockchain technology's significance goes well beyond currencies. Many see it as a potentially revolutionary innovation with an abundance of possible uses: from managing medical records to streamlining product supply and distribution.
Cybersecurity professionals, meanwhile, are eyeing blockchain's potential to aid in the fight against cybercriminals and adversaries. Because blockchain gets rid fof the middlemam, it removes one possible weak link in terms of security, As Forbes magazine reports, "by leveraging a distributed ledger and taking away the risk of a single point of failure, blockchain technology provides end-to-end privacy and encryption while still ensuring convenience for users."

In short, blockchain -- once grasped only by the few -- is quickly turning into a game-changer you can't afford not to understand.

Not sure where to start? Capitol Technology University's next Cyber Saturday can help you master the fundamentals. The next session of Capitiol's popular event series, designed for high school and community college students but open to anyone with an interest in computers or gaming, will provide an introduction to blockchain and the intriguing world of digital currencies.

A cybersecurity professional will be your guide for this presentation, part of a full morning of exciting Cyber Saturday activities at the McGowan Center on the Capitol campus. The event starts at 9:00 am and lunch will be provided before an afternoon session of Capture the Flag and other fun activities traditionally held as part of the Cyber Saturday program.

Cyber Saturdays are mainly intended to be fun, while at the same time involving skills utilized in cybersecurity, one of today’s most in-demand fields.

“These events increase awareness and then they get students interested in the [cybersecurity] profession,” says Dr. William Butler, chair of the Cybersecurity program at Capitol.

Cyber Saturdays have been a recurring event at Capitol since 2013. Meghan Young, director of admissions, says the program has been highly popular.

"Capitol is in an ideal position to offer events like these because of our designated Cyber Lab and our faculty who take the time to make learning fun and interesting,” Young said. “It gets better and better each year."

The event is free, but registration is requested ahead of the event. Inrerested in attending? Register here or contact for more information. To reach the program by phone, call 240.965.2458 or 813.495.4536.

Event details:
9:00-10:00 am: Welcome to Capitol
10:00-11:00 am: Blockchain fundamentals
11:00 am -- 12:00 pm: Wireless routers and hacking
12:00-1:00 pm: Lunch and networking
1:00-2:00 pm: Capture the Flag and King of the Hill competitions
Location: McGowan Center, Capitol Technology University, 11301 Springfield Road, Laurel, MD.

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