Friday, February 2, 2018

Capitol Launches New PhD Program in Technology - Capitol Technology University (Since 1927 Located Near Washington D.C.)

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Starting in Spring of 2018, Capitol Technology University will offer students new opportunities with our PhD in Technology degree.

The sky’s the limit with this choose your own adventure degree. Capitol works with you to pair you up with subject matter experts in your chosen focus area, and from there you’ll be able to delve into extensive research on the subject you love.

 “You can choose any area of technology,” says Dr. Helen Barker, Vice President for Academic Affairs. “It’s wide open; that is the exciting thing about this degree. Students can take a research topic that is not necessarily supported by a formal degree and add to or begin a body of knowledge. We have PhD students working in areas such as medical, application software, artificial intelligence, and educational technologies.”

Interested in the PhD in Technology program but don’t have a master’s degree? Capitol has path available for you. Our Combination Program allows you to first earn a master of science degree in Research Methods and then progress to completion of the PhD in Technology. (Note: the master’s is not a stand-alone degree; it must be taken in conjunction with the PhD program. MS degree is conferred at the same time as the PhD degree).

“We have two academic pathways,” explains Professor Soren Ashmall, Associate Director of Master's Programs & Assessment. “One pathway with a master’s degree, and one without. The masters-PhD combination degree supports the academic aspirations of students without a master’s degree, but who are committed to the doctoral academic journey. In both cases, students complete original research with a deep dive into a technical field.”

Unique to this Ph.D. program, the Ph.D. in Technology gives you the option to either complete a dissertation or to publish 3 research articles in high-level peer-reviewed journals. All students are expected to defend their choice of dissertation or publications. Instead of the rigid course framework used in traditional graduate degree programs, students progress through a sequence of modules and accomplish the research goals they have decided on with their chair. The program is entirely online, with no residency requirement.

Despite the independent nature of this program, Capitol provides plenty of help along the way. We start you out right, by helping you to select the right research chair and committee for you. Students are also encouraged to engage appropriately credentialed faculty outside of the university.

Dr. Barker noted that, while anyone can dive in to this degree, “It is generally in the best interest of the student to choose a topic to which they are familiar, such as one close to what they do for a living, and then take that topic to a new level through research in this degree program.”

“Doctoral degrees provide unique opportunities for graduates,” Dr. Barker continued. “They can take their leadership skills to higher levels with top-level research and problem solving skills. In addition, graduates gain credentials that will position them in their field as subject matter experts.”

 “This is a degree for self-motivated people,” says Dr. Barker, “but we set you up with a team for support and you set your own schedule.”

To inquire further about the Ph.D. in Technology program, please contact graduate admissions at or call us at: 800.950.1992.

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