Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Business Analytics: Position yourself for the growth industry with a degree from Capitol - Capitol Technology University (Since 1927 Located Near Washington D.C.)

Direct Link: https://www.captechu.edu/node/2891

In a competitive world, success depends on finding and maintaining an edge – and that requires making data-driven decisions.

The reward for sound decision-making is improved market share. The punishment for unwise decisions, in today’s economy, can be ruthless. That’s why organizations in an ever-expanding array of industries – from sports to health care to cybersecurity – are seeking out professionals with the expertise needed to utilize data effectively.

With a degree in business analytics from Capitol, you could be one of those highly sought-after professionals. Capitol offers business analytics with a difference – the data difference.

“As a student in business analytics here at Capitol, you would learn how analytics helps shape strategic plans at organizations or universities, whatever business you are involved in.” says Dr. Michael Fain, the university’s director of doctoral programs. “Numbers and data should drive the decisions that administrators make for their mission, vision, and value of their respective organizations. As a student here we teach you how to take data, or numbers, and plug these numbers in to help leadership come up with a strategic plan.”

Capitol Technology University offers multiple degrees in business analytics – a bachelor of science, a technical MBA, and a PhD in Business Analytics and Decision Sciences. The master’s and doctoral programs are offered online, bringing these opportunities within reach of working professionals and career changers.

The time to seize these opportunities is now. In a December 2016 report, the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) cited a “continuing shortage of analytics talent,” with data scientists in particularly high demand. MGI found that average wages for data scientists rose by about 16% between 2012 and 2014, at a time when overall wages were increasingly by only 2%
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts faster-than-average, 12% growth for management analysts between 2016 and 2026. For data scientists, the demand is astonishingly robust, with job postings increasing by 361% between 2013 and 2016, according to EAB. Data analysts, meanwhile, saw an 83% growth in opportunities during the same period.
But where are the professionals with the skills to help companies do that? According to McKinsey, there’s an acute shortage. The US economy alone – not to mention the rest of the globe – needs approximately 140,000 to 190,000 professionals with deep analytical skills, and as many as 1.5 million managers and analysts with the knowhow needed to transform data into effective decision-making.

Capitol’s business analytics programs prepare you to take advantage of these trends because of their strong data focus. With such expertise under your belt, you’ll have a panoply of industries and careers to choose from. You could be the sports analyst who helps a struggling team regain glory, as happened with the Pittsburgh Pirates in 2013. You could be the savvy political consultant who leads a client to a come-from-behind win. You could locate the competitive edge for a manufacturer or retailer. You could help companies protect vital assets by analyzing threats. You could ensure that health care practitioners are better able to meet the needs of patients.

The list is potentially endless. In today’s economy, every type of business needs data engineers.
“Whether you are working for the federal government, whether you’re working for a local government, whether you’re working for the private or public sector, a degree in business analytics will serve to enhance you professionally for many years to come,” Fain says.

Why study Business Analytics at Capitol? For starters, Capitol’s faculty are working professionals in the field – subject matter experts who apply their knowledge on a daily basis and are up to speed on emerging developments. “These are individuals who are actually doing the work that they are training students to invest in,” Fain said.

Capitol has a longstanding focus on practical, hands-on education and an unparalleled focus on students. “I think that our program is unique in that we are very student focused. Even in the virtual world, we have an open door policy and we are available for our students, Fain said.
Want to learn more? Contact the admissions department at admissions@captechu.edu or sign up for an undergraduate open house or a graduate information session. With a business analytics degree, the sky’s the limit. And Capitol will get you there.

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