Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Industry Leader Visits Capitol as New Analytics Programs Announced - Capitol Technology University (Since 1927 Located Near Washington D.C.)

Direct Link: http://bit.ly/2Aiw1Kg

The Capitol community recently welcomed SAS representatives to our campus for a special event this past Friday (November 3). SAS, a current industry leader in analytics software and services, came out to discuss the rising demand for analytical talent in technology and business.
Students who attended the event were able to gain a better understanding of the current lack of people resources available to companies regarding analytical needs, what analytical business and cyber analytics programs might involve, and the demand for these skilled workers in both government and industry positions.
Andre de Waal, analytics consultant, SASSAS analytical consultant, Andre’ de Waal had this to say on the current lack of analytical professionals, “As everybody knows, there’s a huge shortage of analytical talent out there and some quotations are like in the millions of students that will be needed in industry employed in analytics.” Many companies, from traditional businesses to technology pioneers are looking for students with these specializations. The IRS came out to speak about the need for analytics professionals in government industries.
De Waal went on to say that SAS sees a mutually beneficial relationship in assisting universities like Capitol with developing programs in analytics. “We have the technology and the tools. So we’d like to make our tools and technology available to universities so that you can be exposed to the tools and analytics, so that when [students] get to the workforce they are ready to succeed without the companies having to go for further training.”
Preparing students for the workforce through hands-on training and collaborative learning has long been a cornerstone of Capitol Technology University’s approach to technology education. Starting in Fall 2018, the university is launching a master’s degree program in cyber analytics and an undergraduate degree program in business analytics.
Starting a cyber analytics program is a natural fit for Capitol in many ways. Given the university’s longstanding engagement with cybersecurity, we are in a unique position to prepare our students to become the pioneers of the field. Capitol was one of the first institutions of higher education to offer an academic degree program in cybersecurity. In 2010, it started the nation’s first doctoral degree program in the field. Capitol’s cybersecurity program is a DHS and NSA-designated Center of Excellence in cybersecurity education.
With the volume and sophistication of cyber attacks on the increase, many see analytics as a way to keep ahead of potential adversaries. “It opens up the possibility of predicting malicious behavior before it happens,” Sarah Alspaw, Director of Career Development and Student Success, said. “As many companies and organizations have learned, pre-empting an attack is far less costly than cleaning up after one.
To learn more about our upcoming programs in business and cyber analytics, contact the admissions department at admissions@captechu.edu or phone 800-950-1992

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